About Realtime Biometrics
This is a growing market. Security incidents in schools grab the headlines, emotions and budget allocations. How to address security concerns leaves room for many opinions and strategies. Relationship selling past experience with school districts and government sourcing requirements make this opportunity a complex environment to grow your business.
Office Management System
Multiple locations (multiple office attendance management): This process can deliver attendance System for Multi Locations for monitoring attendance of employees in Organizations or Enterprises. It is possible through the concept of push data, which requires one data and one public IP and eliminates the installation of servers/software in all the branches.
School Management System
School Attendance management solutions with SMS: Through this solution we automate the attendance for all students including the School staff. It is all managed by our Biometric time and attendance machines which are used to capture the attendance of the child. This can be done by using the RFID cards, fingerprint of child, face recognition technology.
Visitor Management System
Access Control on Cloud Technology: Access control is generally a policy or procedure that allows, denies or restricts access to a system. It may also identify users attempting to access a system unauthorized. Access Control allows one application to trust the identity of another application. The traditional model for access control is application-centric access control...
Parking Management System
Access Control on Cloud Technology: Access control is generally a policy or procedure that allows, denies or restricts access to a system. It may also identify users attempting to access a system unauthorized. Access Control allows one application to trust the identity of another application. The traditional model for access control is application-centric access control, ...
GYM Management System
Access Control on Cloud Technology: Access control is generally a policy or procedure that allows, denies or restricts access to a system. It may also identify users attempting to access a system unauthorized. Access Control allows one application to trust the identity of another application. The traditional model for access control is application-centric access control, where each application keeps track of its collection of users and manages them. So cloud requires a user centric access control where every user request to any service provider is bundled with the user identity and entitlement information.
GPS Multi-Location Attendance Tracker
Access Control on Cloud Technology: Access control is generally a policy or procedure that allows, denies or restricts access to a system. It may also identify users attempting to access a system unauthorized. Access Control allows one application to trust the identity of another application. The traditional model for access control is application-centric access control, where each application keeps track of its collection of users and manages them. So cloud requires a user centric access control where every user request to any service provider is bundled with the user identity and entitlement information.
Cloud Attendance and Payroll Software
Access Control on Cloud Technology: Access control is generally a policy or procedure that allows, denies or restricts access to a system. It may also identify users attempting to access a system unauthorized. Access Control allows one application to trust the identity of another application. The traditional model for access control is application-centric access control, where each application keeps track of its collection of users and manages them. So cloud requires a user centric access control where every user request to any service provider is bundled with the user identity and entitlement information.

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